Project Description
Whatever stage people are at, the Deer HUB’s wide range of training options enables deer stalkers, at their own pace, to develop their skills and access the knowledge required to become a deer stalker that’s confident, knowledgeable and skilful. Our training courses are available to all.
Learning fieldcraft, deer behaviour and identification, carcass inspection and gralloching through to carcass preparation and putting venison on the table for you and your family is an exciting journey.
The Deer HUB facilitates industry qualifications which run alongside our own highly developed and accessible training lead by our friendly team of experienced professional deerstalkers. The HUB’s training director monitors the progress of our clients and members and issues award certificates upon completion of a level.
Please Note: We do not expect people to do all our courses/training, if they can demonstrate they have experience of the subject and/or they have attended a similar/equivalent training course from another recognised provider.
The Deer HUB issues the following awards:
Competent Deer Stalker Awards*
Level 1 | Foundation Skills
Level 2 | Intermediate Stalker
Level 3 | Advanced Stalker
*We recommend that people take the Deer Stalkers Certificate 1 (DSC1) sometime between achieving our Level 1 and 2, and the Deer Stalkers Certificate 2 (DSC2) during or after achieving our Level 2. DSC1 courses available in the South by BASC and BDS are listed on the events page on the website. Deer HUB professional stalkers (4 of which are accredited Approved Witnesses (AW’s) for DMQ) are available to assess people for their DSC2 award.
Competent Deer Stalker Award| Level 1 | Foundation Skills | £595
Achievement: to have a basic knowledge of rifle shooting and safety; stalking techniques; basic deer identification; be aware of the law pertaining to deer and firearms ownership.
Training/courses required to complete Level 1:
- Attendance on our one-day training course and successful completion of the shooting and theory tests at the end of the day.
Click here for full course and booking details
Competent Deer Stalker Award | Level 2 | Intermediate Stalker | £1,995
Achievement: to have good rifle shooting skills and safety; stalk on foot and from a high seat; be able to assess land for safe shooting; be able to stalk unaccompanied; identify basic age, species and despatch five(5) deer (of any species) proficiently; effectively follow up deer; hygienically gralloch deer; check a deer’s age, condition any diseases present; transport deer; larder deer ready to go into the food chain; be able to set up a larder/chiller facility; skin and butcher a deer into primary parts in the field/larder; complete 6 hours of non-shooting observation conducted in the field plus write-up/photo; Pass level 2 test and assessment.
Training/courses usually required to complete Level 2*:
- Stalking Sessions as required**
- Intermediate Firearms course
- High Seat Course
- Land Appraisal Course
- Deer Identification Course
- Field Butchery Training
- Larder Skinning & Butchery Training
* Stalkers who have already attended any of the courses listed above, will have the cost reimbursed accordingly.
** As Level 2 is awarded according to a deer stalker’s competency, the number of stalk sessions to achieve this are unknown. Standard stalks, in addition to the Level 2 cost, are charged at £295 per session, or for Deer HUB Members that have stalks included in their membership, these may be used.
Click here for full course and booking details
Competent Deer Stalker Award | Level 3 | Advanced Stalker | £2,450
Achievement: to have advanced rifle shooting skills; be able to strip down, clean and reassemble a rifle/scope combination; be able to stalk unaccompanied, follow up deer and extract carcasses in challenging environments (highland/hill, forestry and or woodland); be proficient at identifying a deer’s age, species and sex in the field at distance; dispatch four(4) deer species proficiently with minimal carcass damage (Red, Fallow/Sika, Roe and Muntjac/CWD; hygienically and neatly gralloch deer; check a deer’s age, condition and any diseases present; larder deer ready to go into the food chain; be able to skin and butcher a deer proficiently; plan and manage a deer management session/day; be able to write a deer management plan and participate in a deer population census; be able to confidently guide novice stalkers and teach good practice; complete 12 hours of non-shooting observation conducted in the field plus write-up/photos. Pass level 3 test and assessment.
Training/courses usually required to complete Level 3*:
- Stalking Sessions as required**
- Advanced Firearms Course
- Deer Management Course
- Rifle Maintenance Course
- Deer Head Course
- Full Larder and Butchery Course
- Rifle Maintenance Course
* Stalkers who have already attended any of the courses listed above, will have the cost reimbursed accordingly.
** As Level 3 is awarded according to a deer stalker’s competency, the number of stalk sessions to achieve this are unknown. Standard stalks, in addition to the Level 3 cost, are charged at £295 per session, or for Deer HUB Members that have stalks included in their membership, these may be used.
Group training/courses, found in our event calendar
Book on demand – anytime
The Deer HUB is the Go-To place for all things deer stalking, offering best in class training, courses and mentored deer stalking all over the south of England. To BOOK on any of our TRAINING COURSES or for more information, please email or call James Mott directly on 0203 995 5881 / 0789 4146643